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As noted in a previous post, a hydraulic fitting on the tractor front end loader got damaged and spewed hydraulic fluid all over the place. I have been wanting a pressure washer and figured that I needed one to clean up the mess so while at Tractor Supply looking for the fittings that they never had, I checked out the washers. They had one on sale for Black Friday. It was a Simpson 3100 PSI unit with a Honda motor. Of course they never had any left so I got a rain check for it. About a week later I received a call letting me know that it had arrived. I proceeded to the Covington store to pick up the unit. There was no record of a rain check in my name. They went through hoops trying to find the rain check. They finally called the area stores and found out that I actually had ordered it from the Hammond store. I went to the Covington store out of habit since that is where I usually shop. I went to pick it up in Hammond. It is a Simpson® Mega Shot MSH31025H Gas 3100 PSI 2.5 GPM Honda GC 190 Engine Pressure Washer which is usually $399 but was on sale for $299.
Not being satisfied with the results of the spray nozzles leaving streaking, I went to Home Depot and purchased a EZ Clean 15 in. Gas Surface Cleaner. This thing is a life saver. All you do is guide it where you want it to go which is easy since it kind of levitates due to the pressure hitting the ground. What would have taken me 3 or 4 hours only took me about an hour with great, no streak results. After using the surface cleaner all you do is rinse the area down with the standard nozzle on the pressure washer. Also, no soap solution was needed for spectacular results. It set me back $69 and is worth every penny